Wednesday, 19 May 2010

New MPs - have you got what it takes?

Michael Watkins in his book 'The First 90 Days' states that "the President of the United States gets 100 days to prove himself; you get 90. The actions you take during your first three months in a new job will largely determine whether you succeed or fail". So the clock is ticking for Cameron, Clegg and you, the new MPs.

I noticed a discussion on Linkedin about whether our new MPs needed coaching and it got me thinking. Perhaps they do, research has indicated that the vast majority of new hires or promoted people fail in their positions.

There are many models of leadership and competencies for high performance leadership, but those developed by Hartley & Fletcher are particularly focussed on the ten capability dimensions of effective political leadership:

  1. Public service values - the extent to which you make clear the public service values that underpin your work.
  2. Questioning thinking - the extent to which you challenge yourself and others in ideas and suggestions.
  3. Decision making - your effectiveness at making decisions.
  4. Personal effectiveness - your skills at dealing with others and in your own self-awareness and self-control.
  5. Strategic thinking & action - the extent to which you think and act strategically in your work.
  6. Advocacy & representation - your skills at representing others.
  7. Political intelligence - the degree to which you show astuteness and political awareness.
  8. Communication - your skills in listening and talking.
  9. Organisational mobilisation - your ability to bring about major changes in your organisation.
  10. Systems & tasks - the degree to which you are able to ensure the implementation of policies and practices.
So MPs, how would you rate yourselves against these capabilities - fully meets, meets most of the time, sometimes meets, needs further development, uses in a negative way that undermines or inhibits others?

So, how do you feel about the next 90 days?  Do you think you have what it takes to make sure you don't fail?

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